普飲威士忌大放送任選三瓶$999 BYOB BYOB BYOB display


你可以在這裏找到一些高性價比的日常飲用威士忌酒款, 凡購買3瓶只需$999,已包運費, 每次消費更加享有2%購物回贈, 凡購物滿1000元以上再會贈送不同款式的神秘禮品,[於購物車會顯示]

Note: (Not visible on storefront)

  1. Do not change/remove the product options. Otherwise, new variants cannot be generated
  2. Do not remove duplicated products manually. Otherwise, you may corrupt the bundle
  3. Deleting or turning this bundle product to draft will stop the bundle from working.
  4. Each variant is a bundle built by a customer, this means that deleting variants will prevent that customer from checking out.

Please wait for a few seconds on the checkout page so the products can be loaded into your cart.